Violet Blue's Open Source Sex
Open Source Sex -- sophisticated erotica, smart sex ed, outrageous interviews and more with leading sex educator, award-winning author and celeb columnist Violet Blue ®. Find more of this podcast at
open source sex 26 Last quickie of 2005! A special story just for tonight: "Naked New Year" by Dante Davidson -- including hot public sex in the cool night air, delicious oral sex and an unusual spanking technique. Happy New Year everyone -- and thank you for listening, and for all of your warmth and heartfelt support. It's been quite a year, and I feel like you and I, dear listeners, are doing something really amazing here. Image: Siege @

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Violet Blue:

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:00pm PST

The first quickie! One red-hot short story, on request: "Whose Panties" by Alison Tyler. A bite-sized nibble of erotica including a taste of rimming and exquisite panty subterfuge. Yum!

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My podcast is hosted at

Violet Blue:

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:40pm PST

open source sex 24 Hot holiday smut: the down and dirty edition. From The Merry XXXmas Book of Erotica by Alison Tyler -- "Santa's Favorite Elf" by Molly Laster, with spanked feminine behinds and spontaneous lesbian exhibitionism; "Trimming The Tree" by Alex Mendra, featuring handcuffs and forced blowjobs; and N.T. Morley's "Christmas Morning", including a very unusual sex toy as a prelude to intense anal sex. Happy holidays!

Video option: sexy and fun photo slideshow by Siege (Daily Siege @! Download the video file to watch and listen, only 30MB:

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My podcast is hosted at

Violet Blue:

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:04pm PST

open source sex 23 On a cold San Francisco night, I read "Sperm Bank Teller" by Polly Enmity, from Best Sex Writing 2005. When I found out that someone I knew not only works in a really dysfunctional local sperm bank -- but that she also regularly has sex with "donors" -- I asked her to write about it for my book. It's all real and all true, from the bizarre way donors are screened to the blowjobs in the donors' rooms.

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My podcast is hosted at!

Violet Blue:

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Category:itunes -- posted at: 8:07pm PST

open source sex 22 Cozy up with some hot holiday erotica! Reading from Alison Tyler's brand-spanking-new The Merry XXXmas Book of Erotica, I dish out two explicit gems starring, well... holiday erotica anti-heroes, if you will. In "Here Comes Santa", a young woman escapes her crazy family and finds solace in a local sex toy store, buying herself a *big* holiday gift. In "'Tis The Season", an office worker with a very negative holiday attitude gets an attitude adjustment on his knees in the supply closet at the hands of a surprising blonde... Slightly snarky, hip, and fun stuff -- just what the season calls for.

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Violet Blue

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:49pm PST

open source sex 21 With a little nervousness and a lot of enthusiasm, I have a late night call with adult film legend and pro-sex, pro-porn sex educator Nina Hartley. We discuss how US obscenity laws are like organized crime tactics; her delicious new film "Nina Hartley's Guide to Erotic Bondage" that bends the rules of romance, bondage and sex; her amazing upcoming book and the roads that led her to becoming a pleasure activist; how she deals with anti-porn detractors and much much more.

Click here for the delicious video version (.m4v file), with an accompanying slideshow featuring nearly 50 ultra-hot stills from her video.

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Violet Blue

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Category:itunes -- posted at: 10:31pm PST

Enjoy this explicit how-to lecture on threesomes! Learn how to make them happen, avoid jealously, what to do when you're all naked together, where and how to find people to play with, and what to say to get everything started... And what to do when things don't turn out the way you'd planned. All this, plus lightly cheesy erotica by Alison Tyler and music by my beloved friend, Tim North.

Learn more, and how to take this fantasy further in my Guide to Sexual Fantasy.

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Violet Blue

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Category:itunes -- posted at: 5:45pm PST

open source sex 20 (video) In this video verison, images are by the amazing erotic/fashion photographer Siege (Daily Siege @,, His three-and four-way, sex toy filled photo adventures are perfect for this explicit how-to lecture on threesomes. Learn how to make them happen, avoid jealously, what to do when you're all naked together, where and how to find people to play with, and what to say to get everything started... And what to do when things don't turn out the way you'd planned. All this, plus lightly cheesy erotica by Alison Tyler and music by my beloved friend, Tim North.

Learn more, and how to take this fantasy further in my Guide to Sexual Fantasy.

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Violet Blue

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:50pm PST

This is the same audio as Open Source Sex 19, but as an MP3 audio file for those whose iPods and MP3 players won't allow MPEG-4 files. The first of two podcasts about threesomes, I begin by introducing the popular and much-requested topic, then read two explicit stories to get you in the mood for OSS #20, where I'll give the finer points about how to actually engineer more than two bodies coming together... and coming. In this installment, enjoy Emilie Paris' "James Dean, One Thousand Bucks and a Long Summer Night" where a couple pick up a male prostitute; then in "The Fifth Day" by Ayre Riley, a married woman seduces a handsome painter and gets more than she bargained for... which totally delights her husband, who joins in the fun. Both of these stories have a hell of a twist, and both are from my book Taboo: Forbidden Fantasies for Couples.

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Violet Blue

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:16pm PST

open source sex 19 (video) A podcast experiment in more ways than one! If it works, you should be able to watch a slideshow of images by Samantha Wolov, paired nicely with the topic of... threesomes. The first of two podcasts about this extremely popular topic, I begin by introducing the subject and then reading two explicit threesome stories to get you in the mood for the next podcast, where I'll give the finer points about how to actually engineer more than two bodies coming together... and coming. In this installment, enjoy Emilie Paris' "James Dean, One Thousand Bucks and a Long Summer Night" where a couple pick up a male prostitute; then in "The Fifth Day" by Ayre Riley, a married woman seduces a handsome painter and gets more than she bargained for... which totally delights her husband, who joins in the fun. Both of these stories have a hell of a twist, and both are from my book Taboo: Forbidden Fantasies for Couples.

Please note: it's my first experiment with images and there's only one 5 minute set of Wolov's work...

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Violet Blue

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:08pm PST

Halloween erotica! In Zombie Love by Elizabeth Colvin, a 'hapless innocent' is sweetly defiled and enjoys some spread-eagled, deep throat action at the hands of her zombie boyfriend; and in Creatures of the Night by Thomas Roche, San Francisco's Castro Halloween celebration yeilds a wicked game of cops and lawbreaking, orally-fixated criminals.

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Violet Blue

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:12pm PST

Returning from a Hurricane Katrina induced absence to answer one of the many excellent questions from the Fetishes podcast (Open Source Sex 16). "How do I know if I have a fetish, or just an interest in somehting?" After, I read a delicious erotic short story by Thomas Roche. "Curtain Call" is a woman's experience masturbating to an imgainary audience to her favorite porn, but when she thinks her fantasy might be becoming reality, things get... hot. Read with permission from Naughty Stories From A to Z by my pal Alison Tyler.

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Violet Blue

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:46pm PST

open source sex 16 Returning from a bout with the flu, I present a lecture I usually give to San Francisco Sex Information hotline students all about the strange, bizarre, sexy and fascinating world of sexual fetishes -- with a special focus on making fetish sex hot. But first, we open with some small talk to get you in the mood and a few interesting words about democratic sex education by Minx from the podcast Polyamory Weekly.

Things I talk about in this podcast:

The Ultimate Guide to Sexual Fantasy


Dark Garden Fetishes

Yahoo: Fetish sites

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Violet Blue

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Category:itunes -- posted at: 4:34pm PST

Beginning with a little bit about sex podcasting, I also talk about being interviewed by Newsweek and the Wall Street Journal, with a funny Newsweek anecdote; then I read the as-previously-promised Antiques Roadshow smut by author Dante Davidson. Just more erudite porn for your discerning ears...

Violet Blue

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:01pm PST

Back safe from my non-relaxing trip to London, you might as well call me little Miss Ranty McRant in this podcast; I talk about landing right when the tube is blown up, then talk about the iTunes sex podcast issues, rant about a porn magazine, then read some erotica that gets my temperature up...

Here are the other podcasts I mention in the iTunes rant:

Violet Blue

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Category:itunes -- posted at: 6:05pm PST

Reading the Dorkbot SF teledildonics presentation... but unlike the lecuture I don't have remote sex with anyone (that I know of)!

Violet Blue

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Category:itunes -- posted at: 6:37pm PST

Live from Duboce Park in San Francisco! Complete with dogs, buses and birds, I took my iBook to the park this morning and read an essay I wrote about my harrowing first on-set porn experience...

Violet Blue

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Category:itunes -- posted at: 1:33pm PST

Hot three-way action interview with Dr. Carol Queen and indy porn filmmaker Tony Comstock; last of the pirate radio series.

the pirates:

Carol Queen:

Tony Comstock:

Violet Blue

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Category:itunes -- posted at: 9:23pm PST

This is the second of three "Porn Chat With Violet Blue" shows, when Neighborhood Public Radio pirated a local frequency in commemoration of the FCC's rulings on Janet Jackson's Super Bowl nipple slip, and since they were calling it their "NPR Indecency Series" they asked me to come on and host my own show for a few weekends. To make it as indecent as possible I interviewed Best Gay Male Porn Performer 2004 Michael Soldier -- and it was dirty, dirty, and fun. I asked multi-award winning sex performer Michael what you need to do to get ready to "do" porn, how to shoot the biggest loads, all about his weird experiences as a gay male erotic masseuse and much much more.

Violet Blue

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Category:itunes -- posted at: 11:35pm PST

Listen to a pirate radio interview I did recently with Jack Shamama, a porn scriptwriter who also works over at A local group called Neighborhood Public Radio pirated a local frequency in commemoration of the FCC's rulings on Janet Jackson's Super Bowl nipple slip, and since they were calling it their "NPR Indecency Series" they asked me to come on and host my own show for a few weekends. This is the first of three "Porn Chat With Violet Blue" shows, where I interview Jack about what you have to do to write a porn script, safe sex ignorance in porn and much much more. We had a blast, especially since the show was done in a storefront window in a busy San Francisco neighborhood, with huge speakers blasting our conversation out onto the street -- we had a huge crowd, and motorists were slowing down to listen. Oh, and the awards we talk about in the interview: he won best screenplay.

Violet Blue

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Category:itunes -- posted at: 2:20pm PST

I'm in the mood for more naughty, funny erotica, just like the last podcast. I got quite a response about the last show, especially from Europeans with white trash, american southern accent fetishes, hmmm. It's a beautiful world. This time you'll get to hear me mangle a Finnish accent into a bloody lifeless pulp, but the boobs and lesbian tongue-kisses will hopefully keep you distracted! Tonight I'll be reading a piece by a regular contributor to a few of my books, a local writer named Xavier Acton -- his piece is about a hapless telemarketer who takes one for the team when he mistakenly calls a -- well, I'll just let you find out. After, I'll read a porno retelling of Hansel and Gretel done LA lesbian style, called Anja and Greta, by new writer Erin Sanders.

** Also -- hooray; after this archive is the end of my crappy sound problems!

Violet Blue

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:44pm PST

Here, with a (hopefully) adorably stuffy nose, I introduce Thomas Roche and he reads one of his funniest porn pieces ever -- Phone Sex, which perfectly describes the torment of wanting to jack off to porn really bad but porn sucks so bad you can't. Then I read another favorite by Thomas, called Panty Trick -- and the mail about it is so positive, I won't give away the hilarity and outrageousness of the piece, you'll just have to listen for yourself.

Violet Blue

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:40pm PST

Tonight I read the first couple of chapters from the BDSM novel The Castle by N.T. Morley, complete with comic sound effects.

Violet Blue

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:39pm PST

I was going to podcast the first three chapters of N.T. Morely's The Castle, but I decided, hey, 'tis the season -- I've got some really hot holiday erotica. Check out two dirty stories about couples that cook up some very naughty holiday surprises in stories by Ayre Riley and Xavier Acton.

Violet Blue

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:38pm PST

This one's how-to on sexual fantasies: dealing with weird fantasies, getting ideas for fantasies, and sharing them with a lover. Woo-hoo!

Violet Blue

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Category:itunes -- posted at: 5:37pm PST

This one was done in my echoey kitchen, so sorry that it sounds like I was on a speakerphone! My voice is still rough from holiday parties, but maybe you'll think it's kind of sexy. Two stories: Best-selling author Alison Tyler wrote us a very explicit short story that details the red-hot fantasy of giving head to a total stranger in a piece called simply, Yeah . The next story is a Thomas Roche favorite called Slamdance, where a night in a punk club turns into an unforgettable, heated tryst in a bathroom stall for two punk girls that discover lust at first sight.

Violet Blue

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:36pm PST

I'm back, and at a swanky new address. Enjoy this one, featuring tax-time, bend over boyfriend erotica by Alison Tyler.

Violet Blue

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:33pm PST